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Step-4: Start The Installation

There 2 3 ways to install Gnoppix to you Disk

  • open a terminal and run

Code Block
sudo gnoppixinstall


sudo gnoppix-welcome

alternative you can install the system also as it is from the ‘live-installer’ Application

Code Block
sudo live-installer (broken this need attention) 

Warning, Warning as most people wish, now you can install Gnoppix locally. Unfortunately the calamares installer does’nt support many features, QT-lib depends, this is why QT is installed on a Gnome system :) For example as a missing feature is harddisk crypto. Again, be aware of all you moves, all commands, your visit, traces and passwords….


Once you have Gnoppix installed, you can live-upgrade the system. There is no need to re-install with newer images, make sure you have the Gnoppix Repository Server in you /etc/apt/sources/list active. Gnoppix Repositories see and press “Package Updater”
