Frequently asked questions

1.0 What is Gnoppix Linux?

Linux is a family of open-source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released in 1991 by Linus Torvalds, and originally intended as a free alternative to commercial Unix. It is typically packaged as a Linux distribution (or distro for short) which can be installed on a computer's hard drive or other storage device and used to run various programs.

1.1 Why I should not use Gnoppix Linux?

If you like your current Desktop/OS why would change? Just ask yourself why you’re here

1.2 Why I should use Gnoppix Linux?

Cause it rocks! Gnoppix comes with many enhancements. Currently we work on AI Agent integration. For sure, you can use also pure Debian or anything other, if you know how to do it. The goal is to have user-friendly and easy to use, making it a great option for those who are new to Linux. It comes with a variety of pre-installed software, including multimedia codecs, which means that you can play music and videos right out of the box. Gnoppix is based on Debian Linux, which is one of the most popular and widely-used Linux distributions, so it is compatible with a wide range of hardware and software.

1.3 What architectures does Gnoppix Linux support?

There are 2 major architectures we’re support on the Gnoppix Project

  • AMD64

  • i386

  • (arm)

1.3.1 Can i get the Raspberry Pi 5 (arm-based) images?

It’s is paid work, amu’s Project working on microdevices, since the Gnoppix project has not the hardware to build, we cant provide you for now with contributed work, we need to wait for donations or more resources.

1.4 I am a complete GNU/Linux beginner. Should I use Gnoppix Linux

That's a great question! Thank you for asking. Building a beginner-friendly desktop is a significant undertaking, and we aren't quite there yet. Our limited developer resources require full automation, from user support to automated issue identification and resolution via ticketing systems. Gnoppix is a labor of love for Amu, not his primary source of income, so he dedicates his free time to its development. Currently in a stable phase, we have plans for early 2024 to include desktop cleanup and cosmetic improvements. Feel free to give it a try! Updates will be delivered over the air, eliminating the need for reinstallation. Your feedback matters - tell us what's missing or how we can improve!

1.5. I really like Gnoppix, except the development team needs to implement feature X

Report it, on discord, email or webform.

1.6 When will the new release be made available

There are 2 releases, every 1st. and 15th. of a month we publish a new version with all enhancements.

The x.15 Release are public, while everything other is a part of the membership program. Once installed especially the member updates come over the every regally. You do not need anymore to reinstall it, or install it from new.

1.7. Gnoppix needs more developers

True, times change and everyone is busy with common things. Because of this, we started the membership campaign with a PRO version. With the funds, we can pay our freelancers. This is a win-win for everyone. This may change if we find another solution in the future. Personally, I've invested US$100,000 into the project.

2.0 What makes Gnoppix unique amongst other distributions?

This raises a compelling policy question: Can companies really manage open source projects today? The behavior of companies like Elastic with Elasticsearch and Amazon has been a cause for concern in the past. Similarly, MongoDB's ambiguous open source stance suggests that some companies treat publicly released code under licenses like the GPL or AGPL as their personal fiefdom, despite the clear terms of the licenses. I have personally observed similar behavior from other companies who release code under open source licenses and yet act as if they retain exclusive control.

In stark contrast, Gnoppix offers a refreshing breath of open source air. We use GPL-compliant packages to ensure absolute freedom, regardless of your background - Asian, American, European, or even a curious raccoon. Modify our software, use it commercially, print it and hang it on your wall - the sky is the limit! As a non-profit organization (NGO), we are not bound to profit margins or quarterly reports. This commitment to pure open source is unwavering and we are proud to be supported by high-performing companies that share our vision.

Our independence comes first and we actively encourage everyone to contribute to the project. We believe everyone has something to offer and unique strengths waiting to be shared. Gnoppix is truly a project by people for people.

2.1 I have found an error with package X. What should I do?

Report it

Absolutely, the biggest mistake in software development when you find an error in a package is not reporting the problem. Ignoring issues can lead to cascading negative consequences:

  • Other developers can encounter the same error, wasting their time and effort debugging it.

  • The error may remain unfixed, potentially impacting production systems and causing real-world damage.

  • The package maintainer loses valuable feedback for improving their software.

  • A culture of silence hinders collaboration and learning within the community.

Reporting bugs is crucial for a healthy ecosystem. It provides the opportunity to fix errors, improve software quality, and build trust between developers and maintainers.

Here are some best practices for reporting software bugs:

  • Be specific about the error: Describe the bug clearly, including steps to reproduce it and any relevant context.

  • Provide logs and code samples: This helps the maintainer understand the issue and fix it efficiently.

  • Use the appropriate channels: Most packages have designated bug trackers or forums for reporting issues.

  • Be respectful and constructive: Focus on solving the problem rather than assigning blame.

By actively reporting bugs, you contribute to a better development environment for everyone.

2.2 I just installed Package X. How do I start it?

  • Typically you can find it from the main menu.

2.3 I installed Gnoppix core how i can upgrade it to Gnoppix PRO?

Unfortunately, due to technical limitations in our build and update system, directly upgrading your free version core to the Pro version isn't currently possible. Due security reasons. we build each release entirely fresh from sources. The packages are not compatible with each other, build would fail.


However, fear not! You can easily migrate your data to the Pro version using a simple backup and restore process:

  1. Back up your home folder: This folder contains all your application settings and data. To find it, simply right-click the application icon and select "Show in folder" or browse to its location in your file system.

  2. Safely store your backup: Copy the backed-up folder to a USB drive or external storage device for safekeeping.

  3. Install the Pro version: Download and install the Pro version of the application.

  4. Restore your data: Once the Pro version is installed, locate your home folder again and copy the previously backed-up data into it.

Voila! Your data should now be seamlessly integrated with the Pro version.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Close the application before backing up your home folder. This ensures all temporary files are flushed and your data is properly captured.

  • Double-check your backup before installing the Pro version. This avoids potential data loss if the backup process malfunctions.

  • Consider using dedicated backup software. Several free and paid options offer automated backups and additional features for peace of mind.

We hope this information helps you make a smooth transition to the Pro version!

2.3 I found a PRO Version on a pirate site.

  • Potential security risks: You can't be sure if vulnerabilities like backdoors or hidden malware exist. It's crucial to prioritize security and avoid anything that raises red flags.

  • Limited future viability: Without proper updates, the system will quickly become outdated and potentially incompatible with essential tools and services. Upgradability should be a key factor in your decision.

  • Use only official download / repository

2.4 Why there is a start / stop anonymity AND Tor-Browser installed.

Using the start/stop anonymity function will route ALL traffic from your computer through the Tor network. This includes everything, not just web browsing. Be aware that this will significantly slow down your internet connection, including any SSH connections to the cloud or other servers.

If you have firewall rules in place on your cloud server, be aware that any connections initiated while anonymity active will show your Tor exit node's IP address, not your original one. This may cause issues if your firewall rules on your remote server are based on IP addresses.

For more granular control over your anonymity, consider using the Tor Browser instead. It routes only your web traffic through the Tor network, leaving other applications unaffected and potentially unaffected by firewalls.